‘Mette Stausland extends this idea of a synthesis of individuality and mass. The artist draws lines in different colours, mainly arched or slightly curved, but sometimes straight, in a continuous movement. Once again she uses the entire surface for lines intersecting more or less densely which, taken to the edge, seem to continue their movement beyond it. In this way, the drawing becomes a micro- or macrocosm of a whole that points beyond the finiteness of the drawing. The greater independence of the lines, their clear separation from the light ground shining through recalls the above-mentioned series of drawings with their forms aiming more strongly at isolated individuality. At the same time, they are drawn into the wake of uniformity of the mass, without sinking into it completely.
We experience a closely calculated and well-balanced aesthetic act characteristic of her entire oeuvre, in which time, space and movement are condensed in such a way that each detail is only allowed to assert itself freely as a beginning, end, softness, hardness, feeling, construction to an extent that allows the crucial moment to be witnessed before a reality of some kind or another becomes visible.’
Eckhard Schneider: Extract – In search of order in freedom | More…